Importance of Relationship Marketing Part II
Great Deal on Business Cards, etc...
Solidify loyal relationships with your most valuable customers.
Business owners tend to be driven, both financially and philosophically, to make cold calls, pursue new contacts, and acquire new customers. But often, little thought is given to nurturing relationships with the customers they already have. Given that acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing one, this can be a costly approach.
Customers who are continuously courted, interacted with, and reminded of your company's presence are less likely to go racing off when competitors come calling. Making those customers feel recognized, known and appreciated can go a long way toward locking up their loyalty. And, it's also a great way to get them referring others.
Restore broken relationships and win back business.
Regardless of how effective your customer retention efforts are, some relationships will inevitably break down. For various reasons, certain customers will suspend their relationship with you and your business. But those relationships aren't lost. You can win back these once-valuable customers.
Often times, repairing a broken relationship is more efficient than trying to build one from scratch. But many companies make the mistake of attempting to re-acquire lost customers in the same way that they acquire new ones. But failing to use what you know about those past customers -- and what they know about you -- to your advantage can cost you time and money. Our automated greeting card system lets you minimize the potential for losing a client or customer, and also streamlines the process of acquiring new ones, all at a cost that cannot be matched in any other customer acquisiton or retention system. So, if you have not formulated a marketing plan that includes a focus on relationship marketing with an automated tool like ours, you owe it to yourself and to your business to try it out today.
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